Hundreds of girls receive school kits in Gaza
Hundreds of girls receive school kits in Gaza
In a joint effort by AMDEC, FDC and MINEDH, through the VIVA+ project, more than 100 needy girls received school kits in the district of Chongoene, by the governor of Gaza province, Margarida Mapandzene.
The beneficiary girls are all in 8th grade, from 10 schools in that district. The kits consist of a backpack, notebooks, books and school uniform, and the action aims to address cases of dropouts among disadvantaged girls in that province.
This action was part of the central ceremonies celebrating International Children's Day, June 1st, held at Siaia Secondary School.
The event was attended, in addition to the local government, by the VIVA+ project manager, Adelino Xerinda, as well as representatives from administrative and education authorities.