AMDEC strengthens Sofala CBOs in technical and governance subjects
AMDEC strengthens Sofala CBOs in technical and governance subjects
As part of the development of partnerships that ensure sustainability and connection with the beneficiaries of its interventions in the Province of Sofala, AMDEC trained, from the 24th to the 28th of October 2022, four (04) Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in technical and governance subjects.
The organizations come from the four communities (Mascarenhas, Macurungo, Chingussura and Munhava) implementing the project “Strengthening universal access to quality healthcare for patients with HIV/AIDS in the provinces of Maputo and Sofala”, implemented from 2021 to 2023.
The training, which is facilitated by the National Council to Combat HIV/AIDS (CNCS), aims to consolidate aspects focused on Internal Functioning, Planning Cycle and Access to Financing. In the same process, activists, nurses and representatives of OCB's will benefit from training in HIV Self-Testing, with a view to creating demand and leveraging the project's indicators by reaching out to people living with HIV/AIDS.